It's true. I've been very naughty. Let me explain. First of all, I broke my phone. I really did! I'd been admiring the droids, really wanting to have one of my own. I admit, the kindle application was one of the features that most appealed to me. Though there were many things that appealed to me about it. So, I broke down and got one this weekend, because I needed a working phone, why not get the one I want? Consider it my Christmas gift to myself. I desperately tried to get the "2nd one free" for hubby. I tried and tried, they just couldn't do it. He's not eligible for an upgrade for several months. He now has serious "phone envy" and has been sulking. A lot. I'm not allowed to talk about my phone or be excited about it, due to his phone envy. So, anyway. You know my unnatural relationship with my I-pod touch? I think I'm over it now. Yes, really! I now have a disturbing relationship with my droid. I like to look at it. I like to touch it. I have it with me everywhere I go. In my truck I have a special "pedestal" for it that it charges in and I can talk on it via speaker while it sits there. I can even play music on it while it sits in its little pedestal. I think I've developed tourettes syndrome. I randomly make strange noises when I think about it or look at it. I blurt out things when I get excited. I'm pretty sure what has developed here is even more unhealthy than my previous relationship with my I-pod. Even though my son has been on my I-pod almost constantly, either reading or playing games. I know it's mad at me for leaving it behind and betraying it. I feel guilty. Then I look at my droid and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. As I type, my droid is sitting comfortably on my chest, warm and cozy. I have considered taking up knitting so I can make it little clothes. I think I'll attach special pockets to everything I wear. Yes, I am aware that I am not right in the head. I'm reminded of this daily by those who love me most. I'm ok with that. I get excited every time I get on my droid and learn new things about how to use it. I like taking it for rides in the car. I'm keeping the existence of my beloved droid a secret from most people, even members of my house. This is making my relationship even more awkward and difficult. I think it will survive, I really love it.
Ms X
I am laughing my ass off! OMG you are really off your rocker! Now, that being said, a special pedestal for your Droid? Hellooooo I want one for my Droid! What is this special thing you have? Pockets in all your clothes? Great idea if you ask me. I keep pulling the back of mine off from sticking it in my back pocket. My pants are too tight so my fat ass presses into the pocket you see. Anyway, glad you're loving your phone.